Digital Payments Library: Sample Videos

Digital Payments Library features content developed by Visa leaders and industry experts. Below are a few sample videos for you to explore.

NFT Introduction
Featured in the Digital Currency Fundamentals: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and NFTs course

Learn about non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and how they are being used to create new ecommerce experiences.

Fraud Risk Management Framework

Featured in the Introduction to Fraud course

Explore the core components of a fraud management framework and its importance in minimizing risk.

Condition 11.2 — Invalid Use
Featured in the Introduction to Dispute Resolution course

There are many scenarios where Dispute Condition 11.2: Declined Authorization cannot be used. Gain insight into when this condition is invalid.

The Macroeconomic Environment
Featured in the Portfolio Management I course

Learn about the payments industry and how it is shaped by global economic factors.  

ATM Transaction
Featured in the Introduction to Operations course

Explore an example involving an individual who is making an ATM withdrawal in another country.

Condition 13.2 — When It Applies, Dispute Timeframe and Probing Questions
Featured in the Introduction to Dispute Resolution course

A recurring transaction allows cardholders to pay for regularly used services automatically. Explore when Dispute Condition 13.2: Canceled Recurring Transaction applies and review the dispute timeframe for this condition.